Amrit Ayurveda Superspeciality Hospital

Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver

Explore the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver at Amrit Ayurveda Hospital


Welcome to Amrit Ayurveda Hospital, the epitome of Ayurvedic excellence in Patiala, where Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for liver health. With a profound understanding of Ayurveda, Dr. Sharma is committed to offering holistic and effective solutions for various liver conditions.

Understanding Liver Health and Ayurveda

The liver is a vital organ responsible for numerous functions, including detoxification, metabolism, and the synthesis of essential proteins. In Ayurveda, liver health is crucial for overall well-being, and imbalances can lead to severe health issues. Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring balance through natural remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications.

Common Liver Disorders Treated at Amrit Ayurveda Hospital

  • Fatty Liver Disease: Characterized by excess fat accumulation in the liver cells.
  • Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver caused by viral infections or toxic substances.
  • Liver Cirrhosis: Advanced scarring of the liver due to long-term damage.
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels.
ayurvedic treatment for liver

Ayurvedic Approach to Liver Treatment

Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma employs a comprehensive Ayurvedic approach to treat liver disorders, emphasizing detoxification, rejuvenation, and balance. The treatment protocol includes:

  • Panchakarma Therapy: A detoxification process that eliminates toxins and rejuvenates the liver.
  • Herbal Medicines: Using herbs like Kalmegh, Bhumyamalaki, and Guduchi, known for their hepatoprotective properties.
  • Dietary Guidelines: Personalized diet plans to support liver health and overall well-being.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Incorporating practices like yoga and meditation to reduce stress and improve liver function.

Panchakarma: The Ultimate Detox for Liver Health

Panchakarma is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic therapy, designed to cleanse the body and enhance liver function. This detoxification process eliminates toxins and rejuvenates the liver through the following five-fold therapy:

  • Vamana (Emesis Therapy): Inducing therapeutic vomiting to expel toxins from the stomach and respiratory tract.
  • Virechana (Purgation Therapy): Using herbal laxatives to cleanse the intestines and liver, removing accumulated toxins.
  • Basti (Enema Therapy): Administering herbal enemas to detoxify the colon and liver, promoting overall digestive health.
  • Nasya (Nasal Administration): Clearing toxins from the nasal passages and improving respiratory health through herbal nasal drops.
  • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting): Purifying the blood to enhance liver function and reduce toxin levels.

Herbal Medicines for Liver Health

Dr. Sharma prescribes a range of herbal formulations tailored to individual needs. Key herbs used include:

  • Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata): Known for its potent liver-protective effects, Kalmegh helps in detoxification and improving liver function.
  • Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus Niruri): Effective in treating hepatitis and liver inflammation, Bhumyamalaki aids in reducing liver enzyme levels and inflammation.
  • Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia): Enhances immunity and supports liver detoxification, Guduchi is a vital herb in managing liver disorders.
  • Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurroa): Promotes liver regeneration and combats fatty liver, Kutki helps in the prevention and treatment of various liver ailments.
Herbal Medicines for Liver Health

Dietary Guidelines for a Healthy Liver

A balanced diet is crucial for liver health. Dr. Sharma recommends:

  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, they help in detoxifying the liver and promoting overall health.
  • Whole Grains: Providing fiber to support digestion and detoxification, whole grains are essential for maintaining liver health.
  • Lean Proteins: Including legumes and low-fat dairy to aid in liver function and repair.
  • Hydration: Adequate water intake to flush out toxins and keep the liver functioning optimally.

Lifestyle Modifications

Incorporating simple lifestyle changes can significantly improve liver health:

  • Regular Exercise: Enhances metabolism and reduces liver fat, supporting overall liver health.
  • Stress Management: Practices like yoga and meditation to alleviate stress, which can otherwise negatively impact liver function.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensures the body has time to repair and detoxify, which is crucial for maintaining liver health

Why Choose Amrit Ayurveda Hospital?

Choosing Amrit Ayurveda Hospital for your liver health needs means entrusting your care to the expertise of Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma, a highly experienced Ayurvedic practitioner specializing in liver health. Dr. Sharma’s extensive knowledge and personalized approach ensure that each patient receives the best possible care tailored to their specific needs. Our hospital offers a holistic approach to liver health, combining traditional Ayurvedic therapies with modern diagnostic tools. This comprehensive treatment plan addresses the root cause of liver disorders, promoting long-term health and wellness. We are dedicated to providing the best Ayurvedic treatment for liver health, ensuring that each aspect of our treatment plan, from customized herbal formulations to individualized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, supports your liver health journey.


At Amrit Ayurveda Hospital, Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma combines ancient wisdom with modern understanding to offer the best Ayurvedic treatment for liver health. Our holistic approach ensures not just the treatment of liver disorders but also the promotion of overall wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 Early signs of liver problems include fatigue, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, pale stools, abdominal pain, and swelling in the legs and abdomen.

Ayurveda helps treat liver disorders through natural detoxification processes like Panchakarma, the use of hepatoprotective herbs, personalized dietary plans, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance and improve liver function.

Panchakarma is a five-fold detoxification therapy that includes Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana. It helps eliminate toxins, rejuvenate the liver, and improve overall health.

Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe when administered by a qualified practitioner like Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma. They use natural herbs and therapies that are gentle on the body. However, individual responses may vary, and it is important to follow the prescribed treatment plan.

The time to see results from Ayurvedic liver treatments varies depending on the severity of the condition and individual response to treatment. Generally, patients may start noticing improvements within a few weeks, but full benefits may take several months of consistent therapy.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver

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